Yes, It’s Been A While…

October 14, 2008

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Since I last posted that is! Life has been one big adventure – especially lately! To give a little update, Adam and I just got married on September 21st in Gloucester, MA. It was an amazing weekend that still seems surreal to us. The weather was gorgeous and we were married outside by the ocean, surrounded by loved ones. The entire weekend was one wonderful chain of get-togethers, and a chance to spend time with everyone, take walks along the beach, and get our fill of New England seafood:) We are just getting back “into the swing of things” now – here in NYC.

A few weeks before our wedding I started grad school! I am pursuing a Masters in Art Therapy at Pratt Institute and am already about 7 weeks into the program…I cannot believe how quickly the time has been flying already. It is amazing to finally be completely immersed in my chosen field. I could not be surrounded by better classmates, teachers, and supervisors. It has been interesting getting back into school work after being out of undergraduate school for about 6 years! However I am intrigued by what we are learning and am devouring books (almost whole:) I felt that my writing was a bit rusty for the first few weeks of school, but I am starting to find my rhythm again.

My school art therapy internship is at Housing Works here in NYC. Again, I could not be happier with my internship and feel so fortunate to be there. Housing Works is a wonderful organization that provides many services to people living with HIV and AIDS. If you have a moment, please visit their website:
I have been running art therapy groups, learning the paperwork ropes, and will soon be starting some individual art therapy sessions with clients there as well. There is never a dull moment there and I am simply absorbing as much as possible every day that I am there.

I am looking forward to posting some thoughts on Art Therapy and my experiences at school and in my internship. It’s a fascinating field and I cannot even begin to share half of what I’m experiencing and absorbing, but I can always start somewhere!

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