Art from the Heart

November 19, 2020

“If I create from the heart, nearly everything works; if from the head, almost nothing.” – Marc Chagall Each day for the past week I have been pulled towards my studio to create. Over the past few months my art practice has been sporadic but present nonetheless. As the weeks and months stretch on during this pandemic, art is my...

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“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.” (Shunryo Suzuki) Yesterday my husband brought home a beautiful African Spear plant. I was delighted and surprised since I’m usually the one bringing home plants. When I asked about his inspiration for the plant, he proudly showed me the attached care tag and said “it...

October 23, 2020

“There is something wonderfully bold and liberating about saying yes to our entire imperfect and messy life.” (Tara Brach) During these times it is very tempting to turn away from painful emotions. We are constantly inundated with stressors on a personal and global level. As tempting as it is to self-medicate or constantly distract ourselves, this unique time is asking...

October 17, 2020

  As the days stretch on during this pandemic, it is clear that most of us are now running on fumes – feeling emotionally and physically depleted. We are swamped by an accumulation of stressors. Navigating through a nebulous cloud of uncertainty. In response, perhaps you have felt increasingly numbed out. Seeking distractions from inner and outer turmoil. Scrolling endlessly...

October 7, 2020

“Listen to silence. It has much to say.” (Rumi) I’ve attempted to write numerous times since this pandemic began. Each time I sat down at the computer, my hands stilled. I grasped for a thread to weave into a narrative. I could share anecdotes, therapeutic techniques, art explorations to try, or ways to cognitively reframe this crazy time we are...

August 31, 2020

“One of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. Perfection simply doesn’t exist…..Without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist” ― Stephen Hawking A couple of weeks ago my 6 year old son and I were looking at a pile of Valentine’s Day cards for his class. He was insisting on taking them all out to see...

March 1, 2020

“Flow down and down in always widening rings of being.” (Rumi) It’s hard to believe that I began this blog in 2008 – shortly before I began my journey as an art therapist. This blog began as a labor of love and continues in the same spirit. Art Therapy Spot is a place to share my passion for art, creativity,...

February 7, 2020