First Day of Internship

September 9, 2009

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Today was my first day of orientation at my 2nd year internship at Mount Sinai Kravis Children’s Hospital. The Child Life & Art Therapy Internship program at Mount Sinai is an amazing program, that addresses the needs of hospitalized children and their families through a large array of services, therapies, and creative programming. Here is a link to their website – I suggest visiting it if you’re interested in learning more!

Mount Sinai really invests a great amount of time, energy, and education in their interns, as is already clear by my first day there. In return, the program requires a lot of the interns and includes supplemental seminars and reading/writing assignments and presentations in addition to the regular internship work. Although I might be working my butt off for the next year, I know this will be an invaluable and enriching learning experience, and this is one of the main reasons that I was drawn to this site.

Over the next few days we will be getting a tour of the hospital – the different Pediatric Intensive Care Units (PICU), the libraries, the Zone, floor play areas, and the hospital in general. During the internship we will be rotating through placements on different floors and working with children and adolescents with varied medical conditions.

I am so pleased to be there, and look forward to a challenging but very rich year or learning and experience!

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