Bipolar Disorder and Art Therapy

September 5, 2010

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I found a very interesting website by a woman named Mara McWilliams. She is a woman living with Bipolar Disorder who has found a unique connection to art and poetry making. Here is her artist’s statement:

My work revolves around the concepts of hope, healing, and expressionism. I believe that by freely sharing emotion through color choices and brush strokes, we become in touch with our true selves. Creating art is almost a meditative process for me that is motivated by my spirituality. Due to technology, we long ago stopped needing the artist to accurately represent reality. I see my responsibility as an artist to give the viewer the opportunity to see worlds that before might have previously been shut off to them. Giving the viewer a different perspective on life, is perhaps the biggest honor an artist can receive.

As an openly Bipolar woman, the recurring goal of my work is to inspire other individuals with mental illness. I want those with a mental illness to know that there is a life full of wonderful possibilities after diagnosis.

I want others like myself to find the beauty in their unique mind and utilize it, like I have with my art. Art creates freedom and hope in my life. It is my goal to share the process of self-discovery and letting go that allows one to live a more stable life full of contentment.

Her site can be found at:

Please take a moment to enjoy her writing and her art…I found it to be very inspirational, and yet another example of how art can heal.

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