I wanted to share that I will be taking part in a show of art and performance that will include first and second year creative arts therapy student work. We wanted to open up our studio and learning space to the public and share some of the experiential and personal work that we have been doing as artists, dancers, and...
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Yesterday was my final day of classes for my first year in graduate school…I don’t think it’s quite hit me yet on many levels, and the idea of “summer break” seems quite foreign to me after a number of years without it! I keep checking my computer for another paper that needs to be written, but they are all finished....
May 7, 2009
I have been having many dreams about houses lately. The houses are composites of various places that I have lived. Some seem to stretch out into infinity, like a maze that has no end. While moving through these types of houses in my dreams I may feel overwhelmed, but also compelled to keep exploring the endless rooms. Art therapists will...
April 25, 2009
Mural painting is an amazing form of creating…while working on a larger format our body and mind may be more fully engaged as we reach up, kneel down, twist around, sit, stand, or even lie down while navigating the expanded environment that we are creating on. A few weekends back, my husband Adam, our friend Lee, and I all went...
April 19, 2009
Creating art has always helped me to process my feelings and experiences. For me, painting is a dialogue between my unconscious and the surface and materials that I am working with. Since beginning my internship at Housing Works, I have been utilizing the art process as a way to gain greater insight into my clients: my countertransference with them, and...
April 16, 2009
“I had to abandon the idea of the superordinate position of the ego. … I saw that everything, all paths I had been following, all steps I had taken, were leading back to a single point — namely, to the mid-point. It became increasingly plain to me that the mandala is the centre. It is the exponent of all paths....
April 13, 2009
I created this mandala in a group that I was leading called “Meditative Art Therapy.” During this group we listen to relaxing (usually instrumental) music and create art in response. I usually encourage my clients to work with more fluid materials such as watercolor, to free them up and allow them to become more spontaneous in their creating. I usually...
April 13, 2009
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