What art offers is space – a certain breathing room for the spirit. ~ John Updike Collaboration I have been collaborating with another therapist for the past number of weeks and providing art therapy groups for veterans living in supportive housing. One of these groups is a smoking cessation group (or smoking ‘sensation’ as one of our clients...
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“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” (Carl Jung) ‘Kali Dance’ acrylic & mixed media on canvas Sara Roizen For those of you familiar with the movie ‘Labyrinth’ (1986) by Jim Henson it’s a wonderful story and rich with relevant metaphors. It was one of my favorite movies when I...
October 6, 2013
Barn’s burnt down – now I can see the moon. ~ Mizuta Masahide Debris Mandala It’s been an interesting (read: stressful) week here in our apartment. The entire roof of our building was being replaced, despite the forecast calling for thunderstorms. The baby was napping and I was prepping my lunch when water started pouring in through the light fixtures in...
September 17, 2013
first pages of my mandala journal ~ Sara Roizen “Come out of the circle of time
. And into the circle of love.” – Rumi I started a small mandala journal as a way to continue making art in the very early days of being a new mom. Now, 6 months into being a mom I am still turning to...
September 5, 2013
Esther’s Tattoo My original mandala drawing I wanted to share a very cool story and an example of how art can connect us all, even from across the ocean… Almost a year ago a woman named Esther from the Netherlands emailed me after finding this blog while she was looking for...
February 16, 2013
“Dreaming of Hokusai” Sara Roizen I’m excited to share that I was recently interviewed on the blog Art Therapy Perspectives by Victoria Scarborough. Victoria is an art therapist, and her blog is devoted to interviewing other creative arts therapists from around the world to share their experiences and provide readers with new insight into the field. The interview was broken down into...
January 25, 2013
I’m noticing that I am intuitively drawn to nature-based imagery in many of these little cards – leaves, wave motifs, abstract flower shapes, and the moon. Being in nature has always had a transformative and recharging effect on me. Therefore, while exploring the theme of gratitude, change, and kindness it seems natural that this type of imagery is surfacing...
January 20, 2013
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